Saturday, May 26, 2007


Homeopathic Remedies for Hair Loss

Several homeopathic remedies are thought to be effective for hair loss, particularly thinning caused by pregnancy, stress, or emotional trauma.

How To Take: Use 6c strength except when indicated otherwise.

Homeopathic Remedies

Fluoric acid - For brittle hair that falls out in small tufts.

Lycopodium - For premature balding and graying, or hair loss after childbirth. Eczema is often behind the ears.

Kali carbonicum: For dry, thinning hair.

Kali Sulphuricum - For yellow, flaking dandruff, which may be moist or sticky. Hair may fall out, leaving bald spots. Take one tablet twice daily for maximum 2 weeks.

Natrum mur - When hair loss is accompanied by dandruff and white crusts on the scalp. Greasy around the hairline.

Phosphorus - Indicated when hair falls out in handfuls.

Phosphorum acidum: Take 1X every six to eight hours for alopecia stemming from depression.

Selenium - For hair loss on the body and scalp. The scalp feels painful when touched.

Tissue Salts

Take 4 tablets under tongue three times daily.

Calc phos. - For hair loss after a fever.

Kali sulph - When the hair loss is accompanied by dandruff with dry, scaly eruptions.

Nat mur - For hair that is dry and falls out, or for beard hair that falls out.

Silicea - When the hair lacks nourishment, this remedy helps to bring strength and bounce back to the hair.



Susun Weed writes that Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman, a naturopathic physician, finds homeopathic remedies effective 80 percent of the time in relieving menopausal symptoms. One of her favorite remedies for hot flashes is Lachesis. She describes these remedies below:

Lachesis: If your flashes emanates from the top of your head, are worse just before sleep and immediately upon wakening and are accompanied by sweating, headaches, or easily irritated skin

Sepia: if your flashes make you feel weak, nauseated, exhausted, and depressed

Pulsatilla: if you flash less outdoors, but your flashes are often followed by intense chills and emotional uproar

Valeriana: if your face flushes strongly during the flash, and you have intense sweating and sleeplessness

Ferrum metallicum: if your flashes are sudden; your general health is good but ordinary activities bring exhaustion

Sulfuricum acidum: if your flashes include profuse sweating and trembling, are worse in evenings or with exercise

Sanguinaria: if your cheeks are red and burning, feet and hands hot

Belladonna: if the flash centers on your face, which burns and turns bright red; you are restless, agitated and have palpitations

Friday, May 25, 2007


Homeopathic Medicines & Treatment for Female Diseases or Diseases of Women
Pulsatilla. [Puls]
Dose- Potency 30;200 : 8-10 granules or 2 drops a day twice daily.It is found more effective if given in the evening.
Pulsatilla is one of the first remedies thought of in affection peculiar to women. Its essentially feminine disposition of gentleness, timidity, mildness, docility - "excellent thing in woman" - is most characteristic of the drug; even tearfulness, another feminine attribute, strongly points to Pulsatilla. Then, too, we have fickleness, indecision and changeableness, which are certainly characteristic of Pulsatilla and of some women. On the female organs Pulsatilla exerts a decided action. First let us note its effect on menstruation. It has a scanty menstrual flow with severe griping pains which are very severe at times, so severe that the patient can hardly bear the pain, it doubles her up. Thus, Pulsatilla, becomes a useful remedy in dysmenorrhoea. Dark menses which are delayed and accompanied with this severe menstrual colic and the characteristic temperament will be the indications; Chamomilla has dark menses and intolerance of pain, but temperament will distinguish. Aconite is also a useful remedy in dysmenorrhoea, but the discharge is bright red, the patient is plethoric and the whole picture indicates the congestive form which may have a distinct cause back of it, such as getting the feet wet; while Pulsatilla at the same time is rather a lymphatic remedy. The menses of Pulsatilla, besides being scanty, are quite apt to appear too late. There are few combination which might be mentioned here with profit. Thus we have menses as follows:
Late scanty : Pulsatilla, Conium, Dulcamara, Phosphorous and Sulphur.
Late and profuse : Causticum and Iodine.
Early and scanty : Conium, Natrum muriaticum, Phosphorous and Silicea.
Early and profuse: Ammonium carbonicum, Belladonna, Calcarea carbonica and Platinum.
This scantiness of the menses as well as the delay in their appearance suggest at once the use of Pulsatilla in amenorrhoea, and it is a very useful remedy, but it must be closely indicated, Where the menses flow by fits and starts, and when due to wetting of the feet, it is indicated, as also in delayed first menses in chlorotic girls. It must be distinguished from Dulcamara, which has menstrual suppression from getting the feet wet, but the temperament is not that of Pulsatilla. Then, too, Dulcamara has characteristically an eruption on the face which precedes menstruation; The leucorrhoea of Pulsatilla is chlorotic in nature and is apt to accompany the delayed and scanty menstruation; it is usually thick, creamy or milky, but it may be thin, acrid and associated with swelling of the uvula. A general distinction between Pulsatilla and Sepia is that Pulsatilla is worse during menstruation and Sepia before menstruation.
Sepia. [Sep]
Dose- Potency 12;30;200 : 8-10 granules or 2 drops a day .Should not be used too low or be repeated too frequently.On the other hand Dr.Jousset’s unique experience is that it should be continued for some time in strong doses.
Sepia is a remedy acting especially on the female organs and is a most valuable one; it produces in its provings venous congestion, which accounts for many of its symptoms. The general symptoms in a case calling for Sepia are of the utmost importance. Thus we have characteristically the weakness and want of tone, in the whole system, the yellow complexion, the yellow saddle over the nose, the sunken dark-ringed eyes, the relief from violent motion, due probably to the toning up of the venous system by such, and the amelioration in the middle of the day. These are all ground characteristics of the remedy; when they are present the other symptoms will be found to correspond with the drug most beautifully. The menstruation of Sepia may be of almost any combination, late and scanty being the most frequent. They may be early and scanty or early and profuse - discolorations of the skin attending menstruation are characteristic; the flow is apt to be dark, the menses are preceded by aching in the abdomen and by colicky pains. Amenorrhoea in those of distinct Sepia temperament where there is extreme sensitiveness to all impression. The leucorrhoea of Sepia is yellow - green in color and somewhat offensive. It may be milky; it is worse before the menses and is accompanied by bearing down. On the uterus itself Sepia exerts a decided action; the uterus is found to be enlarged and the cervix is indurated. Thus Sepia becomes a useful remedy in displacements, especially prolapsus or retroversions. There is irritability of the bladder and leucorrhoea. Dunham praised it highly here. There is often present a sensation as if the womb were clutched and suddenly released. Bearing down pains are grandly characteristic of Sepia; the patient feels as if everything would protrude from the vulva and this sensation is relieved by sitting with the limbs crossed. There is also with this a severe lumbo-sacral backache. It has great dryness of the vulva and vagina; painful to touch. Lilium tigrinum resembles Sepia closely in bearing down and dragging in the uterine region; with Lilium the patient has to support the vulva with the hand; the two drugs are easily differentiated. Though Dr. Dunham designated Sepia as the remedy par excellence for prolapsus, it should not be prescribed in a routine way. The symptoms are clear and one should always bear in mind as Du Maurier says: the irrepressible Sepianess of the remedy, that is its characteristics of weakness, sallowness, epigastric goneness and heaviness. On the ovaries Sepia produces some action; it is useful for chronic ovaritis, with dull, heavy pains and the general characteristic of the remedy.
Lilium tigrinum. [Lil-t]
Dose-Potency-30;200 : 8-10 granules or 2 drops twice daily.The middle and higher potencies seem to have done best.Its curative action sometimes is slow in developing itself.
This remedy, as has been seen, resembles Sepia in one particular, and it has some similarities in others; for instance, it has a similar leucorrhoea and it is similarly used in displacements; still, as we shall see, they diverge considerably. Lilium does not have much effect on menstruation, that is characteristic. The leucorrhoea, however, is marked, it is watery, yellow or yellowish-brown and excoriating. The Sepia leucorrhoea is rarely excoriating. Kreosote is the first remedy to be thought of in acrid excoriating leucorrhoea. There is much nervousness and aimless hurrying with the remedy; the mind and body are weak and patients lack confidence in themselves; restless, weakness is characteristic. Lilium is a remedy especially useful in uterine symptoms following pregnancy and labor, when the uterus is heavy, has not regained its normal size nor returned to is normal position; hence there is present this heavy dragging in the hypogastric region. Patient seems impelled to stand or to keep on the go, as sitting or reclining does not relieve this dragging. There is often present with Lilium urging to urinate and urging to stool, a rectal, pelvic and vesical tenesmus, and sexual excitement may also be present. A remedy resembling both Lilium and Sepia in many of its symptoms is Murex; under this drug sexual excitement is very marked and there ia sore spot somewhere in the pelvis, or rather a sensation of one. The symptoms of Lilium are worse in the afternoon. Sepia is better at that time.
Lilium has some ovarian pains, more severe than under Sepia, especially of the left side, shooting down anterior and inner aspect of thigh, and hysterical spasms may be present. An impulsive mental condition is characteristic. Dr. E. S. Bailey recommends the 30th potency.
Platinum. [Plat]
Dose- Potency- 6x; 30; : 8-10 granules or 2 drops a day till amelioration is noticed.
The mental symptoms of Platinum are, however, very characteristic and recall the drug at once whenever found; the pride, the haughtiness, the self-esteem, and the belittling of everyone are found accompanying female complaints quite often. Then, too, remember the strange feelings, in which home objects seem unfamiliar; also the melancholy. The menstruation of Platinum is profuse and clotted and occurs too early, with much sensitiveness about the genital organs. There is constant irritation about the sexual organs, both internally and externally. There are often present symptoms of nymphomania. There is always accompanying menstruation much bearing down in the uterine region. The menses of Chamomilla are very similar to those of Platinum, the mental symptoms distinguishing. Platinum is also a remedy for induration and prolapsus of the uterus, where there is continual pressure in the groin and back, with sensitiveness of the parts to the touch. It is also one of the remedies for painful coitus, others being Sepia, Belladonna, Kreosote and Apis. On the ovaries Platinum also has some action. It is useful in ovaritis with burning pains and numbness of the limbs. Where chronic induration of the ovaries is suspected Platinum is a remedy.
Palladium [Pall]
Dose- Potency- 6x; 30 : 8-10 granules or 2 drops twice a day till amelioration is noticed.
It has a similar symptoms and seems especially to affect the right ovary. In both remedies hysterical symptoms are prominent and further indicate them.
Cimicifuga racemosa. [Cimic]
Dose- Potency 30 : 8-10 granules or 2 drops a day till amelioration is noticed.
It has a distinct rheumatic basis, and it will be doubly indicated in those who are rheumatic. The mental condition of gloom and dejection are quite sure to be present. There is an irritable weakness about Cimicifuga and a mental symptoms of a sensation as if she would go crazy, and with the uterine symptoms there is much headache. The menstruation of Cimicifuga is premature and profuse, attended with wandering pains in the back; in fact, it is one of our good remedies in dysmenorrhoea, especially rheumatic dysmenorrhoea, with an irritable, sensitive, bruised uterus and pains flying across the hypogastrium from side to side. Displacements of the uterus where there are cutting pains from side to side call for Cimicifuga. Leucorrhoea sometimes finds its remedy in Cimicifuga when the general symptoms of the remedy are present-nervousness, neuralgic pains and hyperaesthesia. The uterus is engorged and the pelvic organs are very sensitive, with a sensation of weight in the uterus. In the ovaries Cimicifuga produces sharp pains, which shoot up the sides and are accompanied with a bearing down sensation. Ovaritis and ovarian neuralgias from rheumatic metastasis call for this remedy. Facial blemishes, acne, rough skin in young girls at menstrual period cause mental unrest and nervousness. Cimicifuga is the remedy for both condition.
Caulophyllum [Caul]
Dose- Potency- Tincture;3x : 8-10 granules or 2 drops twice a day will bring excellent result.
It is a remedy most similar in many respects to Cimicifuga; it does not have the headache, and its rheumatic urination and headache characteristic of the, in bearing down and throbbing hypogastric region, with pain the menses become suddenly suppressed from cold; these symptoms are confined to the smaller joints, while those of Cimicifuga are of the fleshy parts of the muscles. Caulophyllum has as a characteristic : a sensation of internal trembling.
Belladonna. [Bell]
Dose- Potency 30;200 : 8-10 granules or 2 drops a day.Must be repeated in acute cases.
It has bearing down, which is worse when lying down and is relieved by standing, while the bearing down of Sepia is worse when the patient stands. The menstruation of Belladonna is profuse and early, of bright red blood, with cramps in back and arms. The dysmenorrhoea is intensely painful and accompanied with cutting pain through the pelvis in a horizontal direction; not circumferential as under Sepia and Platinum. The pains are paroxysmal, and the discharge often offensive. Amenorrhoea also finds its remedy in Belladonna when all acute inflammations about the pelvic organs, Belladonna is a valuable remedy, but like all the remedies it will fail unless closely indicated. In metritis there will be found on examination a sensation of heat and great sensitiveness; the discharges feel hot to the patient. There is a great bearing down in all these troubles, and, of course, the general symptoms of the drug must be present. In acute endometritis it is invaluable. The cervix is swollen and sensitive, and there is much throbbing in the pelvic organs. In uterine displacements, especially if recent, Belladonna is a valuable remedy. Prolapsus calls for it, the back aches as if broken, there is tenesmus of the bladder and strangury, and pulsations are felt in the congested organs. Belladonna is the principal remedy for acute inflammation of the ovary, ovaritis, especially if the peritoneum be involved; the pains are severe , clutching and throbbing, the right side being more characteristic of Belladonna. There is great sensitiveness; the slightest jar cannot be borne.
Kreosote. [Kreos]
Dose- Potency-3x : 8-10 granules or 2 drops a day till amelioration is noticed.
The menstruation of Kreosote is usually copious, and is accompanied with humming and roaring in the head and preceded by abdominal bloating. The flow may be intermittent and accompanied with dragging downward in the back. It differs from Sepia, in that the flow is early and profuse, while that of Sepia is late and scanty. The menses are apt to be followed by dark brown, offensive leucorrhoea. The leucorrhoea of Kreosote is very characteristic, and in this field it has won laurels. The discharge is very acrid, very offensive, and excoriates the parts which it touches; it is yellow, the patient is weak, there is violent itching of the vagina and smarting and burning between the thighs; the parts become swollen, hot, hard and sore. After the leucorrhoea has continued for some time it has an odor of green corn. This acridity of the leucorrhoea readily distinguishes Kreosote from Sepia and Murex. In displacements Kreosote is very useful, especially in prolapsus uteri. There is dragging in the back, and a dragging downward which are relieved by motion, thus distinguish from Sepia and Nux vomica. Kreosote is a useful remedy in ulcerations about the female organs, with offensive excoriating discharge, burning pain, heat and soreness.
Helonias. [Helon]
Dose- Potency Tincture;6x : 8-10 granules or 2 drops twice a day till amelioration is noticed.
There are two special indication for this remedy in female complaints, namely: atony of the genital organs, and pain extending from the back of the uterus. The keynote leading to its selection has ever been a "consciousness of a womb." Probably in affection of the uterus calling for other remedies there is a consciousness of womb, which is constant there is not let up to it, and there is accompanying a tired, aching feeling in the back and limbs, in such cases Helonias act as a uterine tonic. Helonias is a useful remedy in leucorrhoea, which is dark, offensive and constant; it flows on every exertion. General debility is marked, and pruritus may accompany. Danforth considers Helonias the most frequently indicated remedy in vaginitis and vulvitis. The mucous membrane is red, inflamed, and the itching is intense. He uses the 3x trituration. The menses are too frequent and too profuse, and the flow is passive, dark, coagulated and offensive. Abortion from the slightest over-exertion, and sterility due to great debility, may call for Helonias. Displacements of the uterus also find their remedy in Helonias, with heaviness in hypogastrium a tired dragging feeling in the back, which, upon slight exertion, extends all over the body. Burnett praises the use of Helonias. Womb seems too heavy. Debility and anaemia are characteristic of the remedy. There is a general atonic condition of the whole system, and this is quite apt to make the patients hypochondriacal and low-spirited. "It suits but those who are worn out with hard work, and those who are enervated by indolence and luxury and consequently have atony of the pelvic organs and tissues." (Kinyon.)
Bellis perennis [Bell-p]
Dose- Potency- Tincture;3x : 8-10 granules or 2 drops a day till amelioration is noticed.
It is a very useful remedy in what Burnett terms a "fagged womb." In the overworked and fagged, where"stasis" underlies their complaint.
Coccus cacti [Coc-c]
Dose- Potency -1x;3x;6x : 8-10 granules or 2 drops twice a day for one week and see the result.
It is the remedy for extreme irritation in the lower part of the vagina, worse when passing urine. it has also herpetic spots on the skin.
Calcarea carbonica. [Calc]
Dose- Potency -30;200 : 8-10 granules or 2 drops a day daily .30th and higher potencies should not be repeated too frequently in elderly people.
A wonderful remedy in female affections is Calcarea Carbonica. Given a woman with the general Calcarea constitution, and nine times out of ten there will be some trouble with the organs or functions peculiar to her sex. Profuse menstruation is the rule. The menstruation of Calcarea is abnormal, being early and profuse, and lasting too long; the irregularity as to time is important, in fact, Hahnemann states that if the menses are on time Calcarea will do no good. Cold and damp feet accompany this menstruation and the temperament will distinguish Calcarea from Belladonna and Nux vomica, both of which have early and profuse menstruation. In amenorrhoea Calcarea is an invaluable remedy, especially where the first menses are delayed, and there are apt to be, as a result, congestions to head or chest, haemorrhage, night cough, general anaemia and unnatural appetite. In leucorrhoea, Calcarea does great work. Here it is perhaps more often thought of than any other remedy, but here the general symptoms are the more important; the strumous condition, the enlarged glands, acidity, cold feet, and morning hunger must be taken into primary consideration. The leucorrhoea itself is milky, at times profuse, with itching and burning. In fact, in the treatment of all leucorrhoeas by any drug the general symptoms must of necessity form the ground work of the prescription rather than the character of the discharge.
Aletris farinosa. [Alet]
Dose- Potency – Tincture;3x : 8-10 granules or 2 drops twice a day.
One symptom should mark this remedy as an especially useful one in female disorders, and that is, "tired all the time." The menses are premature and profuse, with labor-like pains. In uterine displacements and leucorrhoea it is an excellent remedy, being indicated by the extreme constipation in which great efforts are required to evacuate the bowels; digestion is weak. According to Hale, "Aletris is the China of the uterine organs". The patient is tired, dull heavy, unable to concentrate the mind on anything. Debility from protracted disease." The characteristics of Aletris, therefore, are the tired feeling, the extreme constipation and the weakness of digestion accompanying uterine displacements or leucorrhoea.
Senecio aureus. [Senec]
Dose- Potency- Tincture;3x : 8-10 granules or 2 drops twice a day till amelioration is noticed.
The late Dr. Holcombe, of New Orleans, recommended Senecio 1x for retarded or suppressed menstruation, where the patient was hysterical, nervous and sleepless. In uterine irritation brought on by displacements, such as prolapsus or flexion, accompanied by scanty menstruation, pain in the neck of the bladder, which is relieved as the flow becomes more profuse, Senecio will do good work. In dysmenorrhoea it has been frequently verified. Its provings have developed symptoms very similar to hysteria, and it influences the mucous membranes much as does Pulsatilla. There is a profuse mucous discharge taking of the menses often times, and it has a valuable in chlorosis of scrofulous girls with a tendency towards dropsy.
Secale cornutum. [Sec]
Dose- Potency - 6x;12;30;200 : 8-10 granules or 2 drops a day for 4 weeks.
Though the symptoms of scale cornutum with reference to the female organism are not of more importance than a half dozen other drugs, we will mention this remedy here. There are a number of drugs which are to be used in uterine haemorrhage and Secale is usually the first one thought of. It has a passive painless flow of dark fluid blood, worse by motion; it this occurs in wrinkled, scrawny women, who become cold and formication is present, Secale is all the more indicated. But in uterine haemorrhages "there are others."
Sabina [Sabin]
Dose- Potency Tincture;30; : 8-10 granules or 2 drops a day .For warts,locally tincture may be used.
It has paroxysmal flow of bright red blood, with pains in joints, small of back and a bruised sensation down anterior surface of thighs. (Ipecac with nausea.)
Trillium. [Tril]
Dose- Potency-Tincture;3x;6x; 30 : 8-10 granules or 2 drops twice a day .
Active or passive haemorrhage, gush at each movement; sensation as if hips and back were falling apart, relieved by bandaging tightly.
Ustilago. [Ust]
Dose- Potency-Tincture;3x : 8-10 granules or 2 drops twice a day till amelioration is noticed.
Bright, partly clotted haemorrhages from passive congestion of uterus, brought on by so slight a cause as a digital examination. Pain in left ovary.
Bovista. [Bov]
Dose- Potency- 3x;6x : 8-10 granules or 2 drops a day till amelioration is noticed.
Blood flows from least exertion, menses every two weeks. This and such remedies as Millefolium, Ferrum, Erigeron, Carbo vegetabilis will meet most cases of metrorrhagia and menorrhagia. Intermenstrual pain coming on midway between menses, or intermenstrual haemorrhages, call for Hamamelis. Secale, however, has some other uses in uterine affections, such as displacements following parturition. In tumors of the uterus it has been frequently verified, where the general symptoms of the drug lead up to its use.
Zincum valerianate. [Zinc-val]
Dose- Potency -1x;2x;3x : 8-10 granules or 2 drops twice a day.Must be continued for sometime in treatment of neuralgia.
This is a happy combination of two very important remedies for females. It has restlessness, with nerve fag from ovarian and uterine irritation, long continued anxiety, and loss of rest from care of children. The uterus is heavy, not sensitive, but the ovaries are equisitely tender; probably both uterus and ovaries are prolapsed, tendency to loose bowels. There is a tired feeling in the brain, the patient is confused and continually under a nervous strain. It suits quick, fidgety nervous women easily fagged out with aching, sensitive ovaries. The 2x and 3x have been found to work well.
Ferrum iodatum. [Ferr-i]
Dose- Potency-3x : 8-10 granules or 2 drops twice a day will give better results.
This remedy produces:
1. Bearing down pains in the pelvis, with feeling as if the uterus descended so as to be pushed up when sitting.2. Starchy leucorrhoea. 3. Pressure on the rectum. 4. Menses more painful than usual.
The remedy finds its field in pale, anemic, scrofulous subjects, and it has become a favourite with many in prolapsus uteri, and the first and third of the above symptoms have been found excellent ones on which to use the prescription.
Fraxinus Americana. [Frax]
Doses- Potency 30;200 : 4-5 granules or 2 drops a day till amelioration is noticed
Pelvic congestion incident to displacements, with no special indication for other remedies.
WORMS, Intestinal Worms in Humans
Worms are intestinal parasites, which infest human beings as well as animals like cats, dogs etc. The common ones are round worm, pin worm, tape worm, hook worm etc.
WORMS, Intestinal Worms in Humans - Signs & Symptoms, Adults, Children
Allergies, Many allergies in humans are caused by worm infections. Tissue becomes inflamed and reactions to foods are the result when eosinophils (white blood cells) are increased due to them. Extreme skin rashes with blisters and food allergies or sensitivities may result.
Anemia, Worms leach nutrients from bodies causing anemia. When they are present in large numbers, they can create enough blood loss to cause anemia or iron deficiency in some people.
Constipation, Some worms can obstruct certain organs like the colon, liver and the bile duct, causing constipation and other problems.
Diarrhoea, Most of the time diarrhoea is nature's way of removing toxins.
Fatigue, Symptoms include tiredness, flue-like symptoms, apathy, depression and a lack of concentration.
Gas and Stomach Bloating, Some parasites live in the upper intestine, which can cause both gas and stomach bloating.
Immune Dysfunction, Worms in Humans depress the immune system by decreasing immunoglobulin A.
Nervousness, The waste products from parasites irritate the nervous system, resulting in anxiety and restlessness.
Other Signs & Symptom of Worms & Parasites in Children
Blisters appear on the inside of the lower lip, wiping of the nose, restlessness and grinding of the teeth at night, dark circles under the eyes, hyperactive, bed wetting, headaches, sensitive to light, twitching eyelid, gum, rectum, or nose bleeding are signs that they may have worms & parasites.
Homeopathic Medicines & Treatment for WORMS, Intestinal Worms in Humans
Cina [Cina]
Dose- Potency-3x; 30;200 : 8-10 granules or 2 drops a day till amelioration is noticed.For nervous irritable children;30or 200 potency is suggested.
It produces a perfect picture of the wormy child. The patient is cross, irritable, has a sickly pale face with rings about the eyes, grates the teeth at night and has a tendency to convulsions; there is canine hunger or variable appetite; the child picks at its nose and cries out in its sleep; there is jerking of the hands and feet and a milky urine. It does not correspond well to pin-worms and a noticeable symptoms is a bluish color about the mouth.
Caladium. [Calad]
Dose- Potency-3x;6x : 8-10 granules or 2 drops a day till amelioration is noticed.
Useful when worms travel over the perineum and get into the vagina in little girls, with tendency to excite masturbation.
Teucrium. [Teucr]
Dose- Potency 1x;6x : 8-10 granules or 2 drops a day for almost a week .In lower trituration its effect is amazing.
The remedy for ascarides or pin-worms; there is much irritation caused by them in the rectum. Hughes prefers the tincture or lower dilutions, saying that it rarely fails in this condition. Another remedy for pin-worms is Sinapis nigra.
Cina and Cicuta are often indicated in convulsions from worms.
Spigelia. [Spig]
Dose- Potency-2x,3x;6x; 30 : 8-10 granules or 2 drops a day.6th to 30th potency for neuralgic sumptoms;2nd to 6th for inflammatory symptoms.
Strabismus, jerking with paleness of the face, blue rings around the eyes, faint, nauseated feeling with colic about the navel caused by the presence of worms, will indicate Spigelia. It has stools consisting of mucus, faces and worms.
Ignatia [Ign]
Dose- Potency- 6x;30;200 : 8-10 granules or 2 drops a day twice daily.
It is useful where the child is much excited and has tickling and creeping at the anus.
Indigo [Indg]
Dose- Potency -3x; 30 : 810 granules or 2 drops a day for 2-3 weeks.
It is a remedy for ascarides or thread-worms in melancholy children, with intense pain in the umbilical region, also convulsions from worms.
Sabadilla [Sabad]
Dose- Potency – 3x;30 : 8-10 granules or 2 drops twice a day till amelioration is noticed.
It has worm symptoms with nausea, vomiting and colic.
Stannum. [Stann]
Dose- Potency-3x; 30 :8-10 granules or 2 drops twice a day for atleast 4-5 weeks.
According to Hahnemann, Stannum so stupefies the worms that they are easily dislodged by purgatives. It has many worms symptoms; thus pale sunken face and eyes surrounded by blue rings, Sluggish disposition, general torpor, foetor of breath and passive fever. Patient prefers to lie on stomach.
Calcarea [Calc]
Dose- Potency1x;6x; 30 : 8-10 granules or 2 drops a day till amelioration is noticed.
Calcarea is a valuable remedy to eradicate the disposition to worms.
Cuprum oxydatum nigrum. [Cupr-o]
Dose- Potency -1x;6x; 30 : 8-10 granules or 2 drops a day for 4 weeks will suffice to cure tapeworm.
Zopfy in his sixty years' practice asserts that this remedy will remove all kinds of worms, cure trichinosis, and even tapeworm. He gives it in small doses, about the 6x , in alternation with Nux vomica four or five times a day for four to six weeks, which always suffices to cure tapeworm without causing the patient any in convenience.
Yellow fever is a serious viral infection, transmitted by mosquitoes in tropical regions. It has both an urban cycle and a jungle cycle that relies on monkeys as carriers ('sylvatic cycle'). In mild cases the symptoms are similar to influenza, but serious cases develop a high temperature and may have a series of after effects, such as internal bleeding, kidney failure and meningitis. A classic feature of yellow fever is hepatitis, which is the reason for the yellow colouring of the skin (jaundice) and the name of the disease.
In the actual full-blown disease there is: high fever, generalised symptoms like violent headache, muscular pain, upset stomach and loss of fluid.
The fever dies down after three to four days and the general condition improves. However, in about 15 per cent of cases the fever returns within 24 hours and a dangerous situation develops.
Homeopathic Medicines & Treatment for Yellow Fever
Aconite. [Acon]
Dose- Potency 30;200 : 8-10 granules or 2 drops a day and doses can be repeated in acute cases.
This remedy is used in early stages of yellow fever when there is high fever, chilliness and dry skin, bounding pulse and the characteristic mental accompaniments which are quite likely to be present in this disease. It will speedily calm the febrile storm in these conditions.
Gelsemium [Gels]
Dose- Potency- 1x;3x;30 : 8-10 granules or 2 drops a day daily .First to third potency most often used.
It is a remedy for the onset, when the patient is apathetic and dull, and Belladonna or Bryonia may also come in during the first stage. Very often, too, Camphora with its coldness and tendency to collapse may be the remedy. The vomiting of the first stage is often controlled by Ipecac.
Arsenicum. [Ars]
Dose- Potency- 30;200;1M;C.M. : 8-10 granules or 2 drops a day .However very hightest potencies often yield brilliant results.
This remedy come in most frequently in the second and third stages, and is one of the most important remedies in the disease. The patient has continued nausea and vomiting, and the vomited matter consist of bile or mucosities filled with blackish or sanguinolent streaks; the face is yellow and the pulse is small, weak and tremulous. There is much burning in the praecordial region and intense burning thirst, but, of course for small quantities of water only. No better remedy for these symptoms is to be found than Arsenicum. It will often alone suffice to cure.
Lachesis. [Lach]
Dose- Potency- 30;200 : 8-10 granules or 2 drops a day .Doses ought not to be repeated too frequently.If well indicated,a single dose should be allowed to exhaust its action.
This remedy has given very satisfactory results in yellow fever, especially when vomiting is present, abdominal tenderness, brown tongue, delirium, slow speech, nausea, offensive discharges and black urine. It corresponds to nerve-poisoning and suits bad looking cases.
Sulphuric acid [Sul-ac]
Dose- Potency-3x : 8-10 granules or 2 drops a day continuously for weeks will cure.
A useful remedy for haemorrhages of black blood, profuse sweat with exhaustion, foetid stools and diminished secretion of urine.
Argentum nitricum [Arg-n]
Dose- Potency-3x; 30 : 8-10 granules or 2 drops a day daily.
One of the best remedies in the disease. It covers the vomiting; especially it is of use when the patient sinks and the vomiting become worse.
Phosphorous [Phos]
Dose- Potency-3x; 30 : 8-10 granules or 2 drops a day .Should not be given too low or in too continuous doses,especially in tuberculous cases.It may act as Euthanasia here.
Phosphorous with its haemorrhages; jaundice and other symptoms is a close simile to certain forms; it was successfully used in epidemics.
Crotalus. [Crot-h]
Dose- Potency-3x;6x : 8-10 granules or 2 drops a day till amelioration is noticed.
This remedy produces a perfect picture of yellow fever, and it corresponds to the stage of black vomit and blood poisoning, there is a low delirium, yellow skin and oozing of blood from every orifice of the body, even bloody sweat is sometimes present. The yellow skin produced by this remedy is characteristic, and denotes blood poisoning rather than jaundice.
Cadmium sulphate
Dose- Potency-3x ;30 : 8-10 granules or 2 drops twice a day till amelioration is noticed.
It has also the symptoms of black vomit, and its study in the disease is suggested.
Carbo vegetabilis. [Carb-v]
Dose- Potency- 30;200 : 8-10 granules or 2 drops a day twice daily.In chronic cases higher potency like in collapse, be given.
This remedy has been considered as a preventive of yellow fever. Hering says this remedy corresponds more than any other drug in the totality of its action to yellow fever. It suits the third stage where collapse, coldness, extremely foetid discharge and great exhaustion of the vital force is present.